Mingus Union
High School District #4

Counseling Services

Whether you need help planning your school schedule or information about how to apply for college, trade school, or the military, our counselors can point you in the right direction.

Don’t delay! Schedule an appointment with your counselor to make sure you’re on track.

Enrollment Information

We want to ensure that all parents are well-informed about the enrollment process. Enrolling your child in our school is a straightforward and essential step toward providing them with a quality education.

To begin, please visit our Enrollment page for detailed information about the required documentation, enrollment packets, and immunizations.

Parents will need to create an account using different credentials than you have for the PowerSchool Parent Portal. This will allow you to access partially completed enrollment forms before submitting them to the district.

If you have any questions, please email us.

Counseling Services Staff

Jennifer Argaez

Jennifer Argaez
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Steph Garcia Hernandez

Steph Garcia Hernandez
Coordinator for YC Early College Program
P: (928) 963-1071
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Mayra Garcia Hernandez

Mayra Garcia Hernandez
Counselor for Freshmen (Class of 2028)
P: (928) 649-4423
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Shelley Kitchen

Shelley Kitchen
Native American Liaison
P: (928) 649-4381
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Amanda Lange

Amanda Lange
Counselor for Juniors (Class of 2026)
P: (928) 649-4464
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Kristy Meyers

Kristy Meyers
Counselor for Seniors (Class of 2025 - out until second quarter)
P: (928) 649-4404
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Virtual Office

Tara Trezise

Tara Trezise
Counselor for Sophomores (Class of 2027)
P: (928) 649-4416 Ext. 1416
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Gretchen Wesbrock

Gretchen Wesbrock
Director of Student Support Services
P: (928) 478-7944
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Brandy Rogers

Brandy Rogers
Student Support Services Secretary
P: (928) 649-4402
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Student Counseling Services

Our counseling department offers a variety of services for the students at Mingus Union High School in the areas of academic, personal-social, and career concerns. (ASCA National Model, 2005)

  • Classroom Guidance - Counselors visit classrooms periodically to share important information with students appropriate to each grade level on how to succeed in high school and prepare for life after graduation.
  • Personal Counseling - Counselors can discuss student concerns confidentially.
  • Referral Service - Counselors can refer students to outside agencies for additional assistance or help. Contact your counselor for a referral that is appropriate to your needs.
  • Scheduling - The counselors and registrar assist students in selecting classes. The counselors are informed about college requirements and recommend high school course work for careers.
  • Testing - Counselors coordinate registration administration and interpretation of the PSAT (10th grade), ACT (11th and 12th grade), and SAT (11th and 12th grade), as well as a variety of career tests.
  • Post Secondary Educational Planning - Counselors offer information regarding applications, scholarships, college visits, and financial aid. Information is also available on all branches of the military.
  • Career Counseling - Counselors work with students on career information, job shadows, resume writing, and part-time job listings.

We assign students a counselor according to the first letter of their last name. We encourage parents and students alike to work closely with their counselor regarding any of the services listed above. The better we know you, the more we can help!

Confidentiality Statement: As professional school counselors, we will respect the rights of confidentiality during the course of conversation between ourselves and students, except in the following cases: If the student is in danger to him or herself, if the student is a danger to others, or if the student has been endangered by others. We are bound by Federal and State law to break confidentiality in these situations and will do so to protect our students and to remain legally and ethically true to our profession.